Shop Open!


Thank you all so much for your support!

We are now moving into the production phase for physical orders, so stay tuned for production updates!

🏅ALL stretch goals are unlocked! All physical orders will come with a complimentary temporary tattoo plus washi tape, and any merch purchases will be upgraded to foil (collector cards) or holographic (charms)!

🏅Free collab items are available if you got a physical copy of the 2022 Sports Anime Planner from @spoaniplanner!

🏅Digital bundles are still available in our shop! All digital purchases will be sent out when physical copies are shipped!


Road to Gold Magazine

Click on profile icon to go to main page.

🏆Anime Crossover Games Zine!🏆

A charity/non-profit magazine with illustrations and writing depicting characters of various sports anime together in an International Summer Games setting, aiming for gold as representatives of Team Japan, as a way to celebrate the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics!

Our Project Plan has been added, feel free to peruse through the icons on the left!


Road to Gold zine

Click on profile icon to go to main page.


Interest Post: August
Mod Apps: September 05–30-------------Results Sent: October 1-5
Interest Survey: October 10 – 31
Contributor Apps: Nov 16–Dec 15--------Results Sent: December 28
Creations Period: January – March
Ideas Finalized: January 15------------------Check-in 1: January 31
Check-in 2: February 15---------------------Check-in 3: March 20
Final: April 10th
Formatting: April - May
Preorders: June - September
Production: October - November
Shipping December onwards

Project Plan

Main Magazine: Road to Gold; A4, 80 - 100pgs; physical, perfect bound.
Side Zine: A5 digital zine with physical copy stretch goal.
Regular Merch: 3 polaroids, 2 acrylic charms, 3 collector's cards, 2 stickersheets, 1 lanyard.
Digital Merch: phone/desktop wallpapers.
Stretch Goals: temporary tattoo (25), washi tape (50), Poster (75), Side Zine Physical (150)
Charity: Good Sports.
Contributor Compensation: All digital items always free. Cover the cost of as many items and shipping for the contributors as possible. Whatever we cannot afford for the contributors will be available at production cost.

Contributors: 1 cover artist, 2 comic artists, 19 illustrators, 15 writers, 9 merch artists.
Rating: PG-13.
Allowed: Sports anime focused on past and present Summer Olympic Sports (volleyball, baseball, swimming/diving, basketball, etc.). Fics or non-fic writing pieces (articles, interviews, analyses, stats, etc.) and magazine-related illustrations.
Behind the Scenes Section: training needed to become an Olympic athlete, ex: athlete stats and profiles, sports analyses, team spotlights.
On the Court Section: competition of the Games, ex: tension before a match, sideline banter, warm-ups, characters cheering for Team Japan.
Off the Court Section: non-competitive aspect of the Olympics, ex: sponsorship, answering interviews, participating in medal ceremonies, enjoying down-time in the Olympic village.

Contributors: 1 cover artist, 1 comic artist, 3 illustrators, 2 writers.
Rating: PG-13.
Allowed: sports anime that aren't focused on Summer Olympics sports, e.g.: Winter Olympics sports, other physical sports, e-sports, mind sports, fictional sports. Regular zine pieces (fics, illustrations).

Road to Gold zine

Click on profile icon to go to main page.



President Humanbob
Organization, Communications, Finance, Production/Shipping

Editor in Chief Starrie
Writing, Social Media (Tumblr)

Visual Supervisor Machi
Art, Social Media (Twitter)

Designer Hope
Graphics, Layout/Formatting

Road to Gold zine

Click on profile icon to go to main page.

Contributor Positions Descriptions/Applications


    Applying for Multiple Roles: Allowed, however you will be accepted for only one role and will receive one email with all your results.
    Applying with NSFW / Other Zine Pieces Not Yet Released to the Public: Allowed, however you must note it in your application.
    Editing / Resubmitting Application: Allowed before the deadline (December 15th, 11:59PM EST)!



    If accepted for...
    (You may also collab with a writer where you'll draw spot illustrations or a full illustration based on their piece.)
    Main Zine: you will draw a magazine-related illustration (advertisement, photographs, etc.) for one of the sections described in the Project Plan.Side Zine: you will draw a regular zine illustration.Merch: you will draw up to 2 merch pieces.
    You must provide 3 samples and a portfolio.
    These sample work requirements below can be in the same sample (i.e. one sample can fulfill all the requirements).Traditional samples are allowed but must be in high quality.Ships are allowed in your samples/portfolio but if you are accepted into the zine, you are required to create a Gen piece.
    Portfolio must be an easily accessible link and include at least 5 works that are not duplicates of your samples.Minimum 1 sample fully colored with background (merch = full colored character-centric).
    Minimum 1 sample feature a sports anime fandom.Minimum 1 sample in the style you want to do for the zine (cover art, comic, physical merch item, etc.)Detailed characters, backgrounds and completed samples.


    If accepted for...
    (An artist may choose to collaborate with you, drawing spot illustrations or a full illustration based on your piece.)

    Main Zine: You will write a fic OR non-fic sports magazine-related piece (article, interview, statistics, etc.) for one of the sections in the Project Plan.Side Zine: You will write a fic.
    You must provide 3 samples and a portfolio.
    These requirements can be in the same sample (i.e. one sample can fulfill all the requirements).Ships are allowed in your samples/portfolio but if you are accepted into the zine, you are required to create a Gen piece.
    Portfolio must be an easily accessible link and include at least 5 works that are not duplicates of your samples.Each sample is between 1k - 3k each, unless the style does not allow (ex: statistics).At least 1 sample must be a completed standalone piece. The rest may be excerpts that fit within the word count.
    Minimum 1 sample in the style you want to do for the zine (fics, articles, stats, etc.).Minimum 1 sample featuring a sports anime fandom.

    Road to Gold zine

    Click on profile icon to go to main page.

    FAQ (Updated Nov 26th, 2020)

    Q: What is a zine?
    A: A zine is a fan-created, non-official publication dedicated to a specific genre typically read by other fans who have similar interests. It can contain short stories and pieces of artwork.

    Q: Isn't there already a zine like this?
    A: Yes, here it is! I was sad to see it discontinued - I love the idea, so I decided to make this!
    Q: Will [insert anime/manga here] be in it? Will you consider [insert non-sports anime/manga here]?
    A: We have decided that it is up to what the contributors will pitch to us. However, we will be enforcing a diversity of sports anime!
    Q: Will ships be featured in the zine?
    A: The theme and setting of this zine is the Olympics, so the focus will be on inter- and intra-fandom team relationships rather than romantic relationships!
    Q: Will there be gender diversity in this zine?
    A: We accept all sports anime that fit with our criteria (summer Olympics sports for the main zine, and any sport for the side zine), so contributors are free to choose the characters/fandoms they want to create for!

    Q: Who can apply as a contributor? If I'm a traditional artist, can I still apply?
    A. All details is shown here and here.
    Q: Is there an age minimum for applying to this project?
    A: As this is a SFW zine for charity, there is no age limit!
    Q. What time zone will this zine be following?
    A: EST!
    Q. Where will you be shipping from?
    A: President Humanbob will be shipping from Canada! We may open an international shipping route if logistics permit.